Dr. Toms provides anesthetic to numb the pain for almost all periodontal procedures. However, some patients may have high anxiety or fear of having dental work done in their mouths. In these cases, Dr. Toms provides a range of options for sedation, which will help patients relax and perhaps not even remember their experience in the dentist’s chair.

As opposed to anesthesia, which simply numbs a specific area to prevent pain during the procedure, sedation actually affects a patient’s whole body and mind. It causes a person to become very relaxed and less conscious of what is going on around them. There are three levels of sedation used in dentistry.

Minimal sedation typically includes nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Patients who inhale this gas will begin to feel very relaxed, even giggly at whatever the dentist says. The patient will be conscious and be able to hear and respond to whatever the dentist says. The patient may also have a memory of things that took place during the procedure. The gas will wear off soon after the procedure as well.

Moderate sedation allows for deeper relaxation and is typically administered orally in pill form. Although the patient will still be conscious, speech may be slurred. Patients may not remember their experience once the sedation has worn off.

Deep sedation is an excellent option for patients with high anxiety. It enables deep relaxation, almost as if the patient is asleep. Patients will not remember their experience once it is over. This is typically done intravenously.

Sedation is a great option for anyone who has a low tolerance for pain or who is really nervous or fearful of a procedure. It allows them to relax during the procedure and they may not even remember the experience. Anyone who has been fearful about having a dental procedure done should ask Dr. Toms about the options available. To avoid necessary dental care because of fear and anxiety is unnecessary with the advancements available in dental care today.

The majority of patients can use some form of sedation during a procedure, even children. In some cases, medications may interfere, which is why it is especially important to discuss your current medical conditions and medications with Dr. Toms before any procedures are started.

Call Dr. Toms at (513) 922-7300 today for more information about Sedation Dentistry and to find out which options are right for you.